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Romanticism in Science. Science in Europe, 1790-1840

Romanticism in Science. Science in Europe, 1790-1840

a cura di Stefano Poggi – Maurizio Bossi,
Dordrecht – Boston – London, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994 («Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 152»).


Maurizio Bossi – Stefano Poggi, Acknowledgements, p. VII.
Maurizio Bossi, Preface, pp. IX-X.
Stefano Poggi, Introduction, pp. XI-XV.

Gerhard H. Müller, Welchselwirkung in the life and other sciences: a word, new claims and a concept around 1800 … and much later, pp. 1-14.
Umberto Bottazzini, Geometry and “Metaphysics of space” in Gauss and Riemann, pp. 15-29.
Ferdinando Abbri, Romanticism versus enlightenment: Sir Humphry Davy’s idea of chemical philosophy, pp. 31-45.
Giulio Barsanti, Lamarck and the birth of biology 1740-1810, pp. 47-74.
Ilse Jahn, On the origin of romantic biology and its further development at the university of Jena between 1790 and 1850, pp. 75-89.
Frederick Gregory, “Nature is an organizated whole”: J.F. Friers’s reformulation of Kant’s philosophy of organism, pp. 91-101.
Stefano Fabbri Bertoletti, The Anthropological theory of Johann Friederick Blumenbach, pp. 103-125.
Luigi Marino, Soemmerring, Kant and the organ of the soul, pp. 127-142.
Stefano poggi, Neurology and Biology in the Romantic age in Germany: Carus, Burdach, Gall, von Baer, pp. 143-160.
William R. Woodward – Reinhardt Pester, From romantic Naturphilosophie to a theory of scientific method for the medical disciplines, pp. 161-173.
H. A. M. Snelders, Romanticism and dutch scientists, pp. 175-188.
Rudolf Stichweh, The unity of teaching and research, pp. 189-202.
Hans Helmut Christmann, Linguistics and modern philology in Germany 1800-1840 as ‘scientific’ subjects and as university disciplines, pp. 203-214.
Michael Heidelberger, The unity of nature and mind: Gustav Theodor Fechner’s non-reductive materialism, pp. 215-236.

Indice dei nomi, pp. 237-245.